Thursday 27 December 2012

This is a story that I started writing in my 9th grade and couldn't continue afterwards. I am going to resume back very soon. Any feedback is highly appreciated.

My life changed forever at twelve and I can still hear the deep dangerous voice of my aunt booming every time, making me frightened that she might come some day to threaten me to work all day and night as she had done in the past,  beginning from the moment when I first learned how to walk. My life seems much simpler after I fought that unforgettable battle with my aunt, trying to sought out that maelstrom and I am glad that I have succeeded…………..though not thoroughly.
It was mid December of 1999 when I was just about 8 years old, enjoying the scene of snow -capped mountains of far away land through the window of the storehouse where I have been spending all those terrible nights, always having night mares rather than good dreams. By seeing those piled snow everywhere of the night's hard work by the black clouds, I immediately wanted to rush outside to play with neighbor's children by making snow man or hitting snow ball to each other.
I wanted to know how it feels to be and play with children of my own age since my aunt always leave me grounded in the house for whole day, giving me a pile of works to be done which includes mopping, sweeping, dish washing and doing laundry before she returns from her work or sometimes barbecue……..but I have missed all these happy days of childhood unlike those of other children around me and in my mind, I used to believe that my aunt or say that evil woman will never give me a sense of emancipation for the entire life of mine, torturing me day and night, complaining about things that is none of her business like saying that I am ugly or like I am bearing stench without exactly knowing that it was her who is responsible for locking me into the store house while she slept on the soft bed having sweet dreams. During that time, I wanted to yell and shout at God for the unfairness and misjudgments. I wanted to know exactly why God is punishing me by giving so many arbitrary detentions which is, in fact, deserved by that old hag.

If God had been fair enough, she should have been dead by any second or she should have had a car accident. My only hope was to wait for a miracle to happen.
Without having any destination, I have lived all these years: frightened, tremulous and deprived like a girl left isolated in a drought; frightened that some voracious creatures will grab her and chew her in any second; tremulous when the dusk comes bringing the chilly wind and deprived of not having even a single droplet of water to banish the dryness of her throat. I was like that girl in a drought or …………..worse may be.
Not only did her knavish behavior frightened me but also her physique appearance. I heard she had once been a famous athlete, and even now the muscles were still clearly in evidence. You could see them on temple, in the big shoulders, in the thick arms, in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs. Looking at her, you get the feeling that this was someone who could bend iron bars and tear telephone directories in half. I'm afraid; she was neither a thing of beauty nor a joy forever. She had an obstinate chin, wrinkled lines around her eye lashes with protruding arrogant eyes and a cruel cave like mouth. And as for clothes………they were to say the least, extremely odd. She always had on a faded grey jacket, crinkled skirt and a high-heeled slipper which seems too small to support the weight of that hefty woman.
Mrs. Linda, my aunt as I called her for being my dad's sister, was something else together. She was a gigantic holy terror, a fierce tyrannical witch that frightened the life out of me all the time. There was an aura of menace about her even at a distance, and when she comes up close, you could almost feel the horrible heat radiation from her like a planet Venus. She never takes saunter nor walks peacefully once but march like a storm-trooper with long strides and arms swinging making everybody on the street precarious to walk near her. This woman, in all her eccentricities and in her appearance is almost indescribable but I have made my best attempt to do so. I always wondered when she would leave my side as I had longed very much for her absence to fell peace and harmony in my soul.

Just when I was about to turn my head from the window, satisfied and contended with myself for enjoying the scene outside, I heard my aunt marching upstairs to my room making creaky sound beneath her feet and….yah, she was calling my name, 'Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, are you there dead?' Her voice grew fiercer and louder each time making my heart beat louder than ever. In a split second, I felt numb without being able to answer, already knowing what will happen next. I hid myself in the corner of the store house, my body trembling out of fear. The door then flung open and there, she was standing with raged wide eyes bearing a scowling face. I immediately searched her hands with my eye ball rolling to and fro to see with what she was going to beat me this time.
'Oh! No! God, she is going to beat me with hose! Someone please save me.'  Silently I begged and prayed that she will melt away in front of me like a snowman but when I saw her still glaring at me angrily, I knew instantly that my prayers won't be answered and that I will soon be weeping, throwing my guilt and sorrow. She hastily and aggressively grabbed my left arm and dragged me out of the storehouse and then down stairs without even giving me a chance to open my mouth. When she released my arm, I fell on the ground with a loud thud giving me an unbearable pain but it wasn't the worst part. She drew the hose and without giving a chance for me to explain that I didn’t hear her calling or that I was in a deep thought, she straight away started hitting hard on my bottom first, then on the back and then slowly it drew near my neck which gave me the most frightful feeling that I ever had………….I might die under that hose. Immediately I made my best effort to veil my face with both hands though the pain terribly pierced every inch of my body and cut jaggedly through to my heart. She hit and hit without giving a second thought of how badly I was hurt……….and suddenly it ceased. Slowly and steadily, I removed my hands from my face to see if she had disappeared but she hadn't.
'Are you going to sit here like this or are you going to do the dishes I have left in the sink? You fool! You dumb! Why didn’t you answer me when I called you? Now go and do the dishes,' she retorted making an angry face before giving me a chance to exhale the breath I had been holding with exhaustion. During that time, I wanted to fight with her even though I know that I will lose the battle. That's how I was left with nothing to do than to encourage myself to go on with my miserable life and bear the inevitable pain inside my little and solitary heart. I then exasperatingly made up my mind to follow the better path as I was at least given my meal thrice a day, be it leftover of her food or not.
With one of my hands on the floor, I supported myself and slowly made up on my feet, and then passed her with my eyes down on the floor without even looking to the direction of the kitchen. Though some parts of my body burnt with pain, I didn’t let my eyes see those swollen spots which I felt already and kept on doing the dishes one at a time and that too in vague. At last, I finished with a huge sigh of relief. At that very moment, the pain became unbearable so I went to the dining room to see my swollen back and leg which looked worse than ever. By seeing the blots of gore everywhere on my body parts, I buried my face with my two hands not to see them any further but sorrow etched so deeply bringing tears, great rivers of silent, anguished tears. I howled more than an hour like a wounded animal, spilling the guilt and sorrow that almost tore my heart into millions of fragments.  I cried and cried till my stomach ached out of pain and my eyes became bumpy with swollen spots. I wanted so badly to pour down my feelings to someone but who will be this SOMEONE? Who will listen to a poor and an unadorned girl like me? Who will care about me? Who will believe me if I explain like what a life I had been leading so far? Most of all….who will believe if I tell them that it was my AUNT who treats me that way? Obviously, the answer will be NO ONE!
'Jenny………..Jenny………….Jenny', my name was being called again and at that time, I dashed to where the voice was coming from without bothering about the pain that was almost killing me……..because I didn’t want to get beaten again.
'Aunt? What can I do for you?' I humbly and politely asked her. She didn’t bark at me this time, perhaps due to my politeness, and explained briefly, 'Jenny, I have to go outside for a work. The snow hasn’t melted yet and has covered the foot path all over so sweep them before I return at lunch time’. With that she turned her back and slipped silently through the back door without glancing back. I kept my eyes fixed at her until she had disappeared from my view, wondering why she is being so unfair, unkind and unsympathetic to me.
The breakfast did well after going through all these traumatic experiences though it was plain bread and a cup of tea. I voraciously gobbled them up knowing that I don’t have much time. Then with spade in my hand, off I went to start my work. A heap of thick snow has piled and I couldn’t even see well in the distant because of the reflected rays entering directly into my eyes. The thought of having to clear all these elevated snow formed a tight knot in my stomach.
I started my task and didn’t take a rest for the next few hours but the height of the snow piled didn’t seem to decrease and on top of that, wounds around my left leg seemed to become worse than ever and it pained badly when came in contact with the cold snow. But I didn’t quit and continued to sweep one after the other and irritatingly, the hand of hour seemed to tickle fast by each time when I looked at it making me frightened, as I had to accomplish the work before she reached home. Tears blinded my eyes and slowly it started to stream down my two crimsoned cheeks. I have been wondering throughout those abject years of where my parents could be or why they ever left me.
Then I try to push back my thoughts thinking that whatever had brought me here, there must be a good reason or even if there wasn’t, what the use of thinking anyway is. It will be wastage of time……….I used to give this as an excuse to banish those unsettling feelings in my mind but the sadness is so profound when the word 'PARENTS' hit my mind.
In truth I actually wanted to know why they ever left or what difficulties they might have faced to leave me all behind. I wanted to know very badly about each and every details of what ever had happened at their earliest. But……how? How will I ever know? Will I ever even know in future? These are the question that has been haunting me all those years but of course they never quit……..even now.
The only way through which I can know the truth is to ask my aunt but I don’t have the guts to ask and besides, I am completely sure that she will have me devoured rather than telling me anything if I do so. Therefore, I don’t have any choice left.
While I was having those miserable thoughts, suddenly I felt some one approaching near me and I was numb in a second………I haven't completed my work as she ordered and then I knew I was in for it again. My body was shaking terribly out of fear and I failed to make a turn-around.
'Can I help you, my little child?' ………..Am I imagining of hearing that sentence in lieu of aunt's harsh words? No………….it can't be possible. And yah, I heard it correctly………..she is not my aunt. Thank God!
'Can I help you, my little child?' You see, I was right. She repeated it and I heard it clearly. Thank God again. You saved me, you really did.
'My child?' On hearing her for the third time, I turned to look around without having a single doubt.
She is a young woman in her mid twenties and has a swarthy complexion. She had worn a black t-shirt matching her face and a loose jean pant. Her hair has been wound into a tight figure-eight knot at the base of her neck in which she looks more like a mother in spite of her young age. There is a serenity and peace on her face which urged me forward to ask her name.
'I am Samantha Taylor, staying just near your house,' she answered briefly as if she was in a hurry.
'Oh! So I never noticed,' I replied her which seemed more like a question than a statement. 'I am Jenny and I live with my aunt.' I hated myself for using the word AUNT because she is worse than everyone in this world! She doesn’t deserve to be called as an aunt!
'Don’t you have any big brother or sister?' she asked me sympathetically and I immediately I knew that she felt pity upon me for doing such an arduous work, all by myself.
'No, I am alone with her.' This time I felt happy and proud of myself for using the word HER.
But my heart wasn’t at peace and I can hear my own heart beat pounding faster and louder after each passing second. What if she comes and sees me with a stranger having conversation? What will happen then? Only God knows.
'Will you let me to join in work? I don’t have much work at home so it will be a good idea to give a hand. I can help you,' she asked me and I felt bit embarrassed by knowing that she had detected my uneasiness and fear inside me.
'It will be a pleasure for me. Thank you,' I answered quickly to conceal my shyness though I knew that shade of crimson on my face has already proved my true nature……………shy and timid.
We started working after the brief conversation. With each passing minute, the height of the snow kept decreasing and at last we worked everything out, leaving a clear foot path visible in distance. I felt so relieved to see our complete task which meant…………no beating, no howling.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw her removing a pearl of sweat from her forehead with the handkerchief. When I looked at her, she looked back and gave a triumphant smile just like a small child of age about eight after getting a cone-shaped chocolate ice-cream by the result of tugging her mother's sleeve for an hour. She is a wonderful woman; elegant, jovial, candid and compassionate too. She has a lovely physique appearance and I liked her about everything…….she is angelic. May be God had sent her for me after all these dreadful and horrible years which felt like an aeon. 'Now we are done. Hmm……..Do you have any other work or do you want to visit my house? I will just show you around my house if time permits you. I am alone because my parents went for trip and my siblings are away for further studies. May be we can have a good time,' she said tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She has a silky, shiny and long straight hair, and I wish she will keep it falling loosely on her back.

Friday 26 October 2012

Wear it pink to support Breast Cancer Campaign

Pestalozzi girls wearing pink to support breast cancer campaign!

Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops... at all. 
 ~Emily Dickinson
Here is what you can do to support cancer patients:

The place where I met the most wonderful people

It was in year 2009, when I first came across Ngoenga Lobda, an institute where children with special need are looked after. I was mesmerized at how happy those children looked, rejoicing  at the good things that life has to give, rather than complaining about what they lack.  I thought I could definitely help them in small ways and that’s when I decided to go back again.

Throughout last year, I kept reminding someone who works there and who used to be my home-matron that I wanted to work there as a volunteer and she also talked of promising things. I made a huge mistake of not directly contacting the head there, which brought a huge disappointment to me. I was turned down at the last minute, when I have already bought the one- night bus ticket to that place. Since I can’t just waste the money that I spent for the ticket, I paused for a moment and a wonderful idea popped into my mind; why not visit my school to meet my teachers and my friends. Meeting them was a joyous moment. Our school principal was surprised, not at how physically I have changed, but at how intellectually I have changed. The exams were in progress, so I decided to come some other time, to share the enriching experiences I had in UK  particularly in Pestalozzi.

I know that there is an institute called Nyingtobl Ling which also looks after physically and mentally challenged people so I contacted them and that’s how a new opportunity opened for me. Though I intended to work for one month, I was able to work for only three weeks. However, the experience that I had there during my volunteering was something that I could carry on for a lifetime.  I was given one class to look after starting from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and consisting of people, whom the staffs believe cannot learn, or be taught anything, labelled as ‘BRAIN CHALLENGE CLASS’. Their age ranges from 10 to 60s. Initially I was bit afraid of dealing with them, because of how some staff described them. Soon, I found out that they are no different from me. They seem to react based on environment and the people they see. They too have feelings and understanding. No matter what, I tried to stay positive and strong all the time. I would take them to toilet for around ten times and even then, sometimes, they end up dirtying their pants. That’s when they have to be ready for a beating from their home-matron. I guess I can blame neither the home-matron nor the disable people.  The home-matrons are kind enough to be looking after them and the disable people don’t have a control over even the voluntary functions of their body. My job was to look after them throughout the day. I was given the full choice to do whatever I want with them, so each day, I tried to come up with new ideas and games for enjoyment. It was indeed, hard for me to put my ideas into action, because of their physical and mental ability. And indeed hard to control my own emotions by their difficulties, and yet how wonderfully, they all look complacent.

Fascinatingly, most of them, even those can’t walk properly like dancing. So for their enjoyment as well as for their exercise, dancing became one of the most famous activities I arranged for them during my volunteering. Others include modelling, footballing and car-racing. Sometimes, I would let them draw so that they can express their thoughts and feelings in a way they can. At other times, I would show them videos ranging from Aladin and Tom and Jerry to Tibetan traditional dances. Luckily, there are no blinds.  At other times, I would knit head-bands and gift them. Throughout my stay, I was able to make eight of them. I would teach how to take wrist band, even if it’s only one person who can learn.  At tea times, I would give them some snacks to enjoy. Eating is the second thing that they love the most.

In the end, I didn't even feel like leaving them. There are some people who won’t go for lunch without holding my hand, and won’t stop crying unless I ask them to. However, I thought it is not about knowing whether they feel my love towards them or not, but rather about giving the unconditional help that they need. I also felt that I gained more from them than what I gave to them. I learned to appreciate the difference in each individual which changed my way of looking at life. They, who could otherwise have done great good for the betterment of the world, made me into a girl of more responsibility.

Note: Throughout my writing, I used the word ‘people’ to refer to them, because most of them are quite old aged, though they think and act like children. Indeed, they are people! 

To view about my visit to the school, Dechen Yangkyi (Alumnus)Shared Her Experiences & Concerns…

Saturday 13 October 2012

Visit to Isle of Man (20th June - 23rd June)

Never did I ever think that the visit to Isle of Man would change me so much as a person. I used to think myself incapable of making a difference in people’s life, and hold myself lower than other people.
Katy Moore, a staff from Pestalozzi accompanied me to Isle of Man on a chilly Wednesday evening. We reached there at around 9:00 pm to be received by Paula. She had a warm smile. It was funny to be sleeping in someone’s bed. My thoughts started wondering, ‘These people must be lucky to be living in big grand house’. And then they went on, ‘Would I be able to manage well on the stage? Will they listen to my speech at all?’

I couldn't believe how well it went the next morning and how everything came so naturally. Then I was taken to a newsletter writer. She is a friendly woman. The interview was quite an intensive one. I basically told them everything about me: my village life in Tibet, the life-threatening obstacle that I had to cross when I was just eight years old, the lonely days in boarding school and the wonderful opportunity given by Pestalozzi. The Manx Radio interview was a pretty jiffy one, and same goes with the meeting of the governor of Isle of Man. I felt great.

I started gaining more confidence. I wasn't nervous on the second day. I visited two different primary schools. The kids had bewildered faces. Then I broke their thread of curiosity more or less. I introduced myself and they looked satisfied. When I told my age, I think their jaw dropped. Even more bewildered!

The third day was quite a hectic one and even exciting as well. The school that I visited is an IB school, and it was quite a big one. The staffs were friendly and they approached me to say how well I did on my short speech. The reception in the evening was one of the most important events for Friends of Pestalozzi to collect donation. It was a huge success. I got to know so many new people. My speech has drawn five more committee members and earned a donation that they never earned before.

I was again in someone’s bed thinking, ‘How lucky I am! There are people well off than me, but there are also millions who still couldn't receive an education. What more do I need!’
The next morning when I woke up, I knew I am not the same person that I used to be once. I felt more confident. More enriched. And more happy.


performers on the day- Pestlalozzi

It’s Beatles Day today! And we were to put up a song. Our performance was to start at 11:00 am and I could see the nervousness in each performer’s face.

The audience wasn’t that big as expected, but still I shouldn’t forget that I am representing Pestalozzi. I was one of the guitarists, though I am not good at playing guitar. Luckily, the codes for the song that we chose are so easy to remember and pick up with fingers. The song that we presented is ‘The Ballad of John and Yoko’ by the Beatles. Within few seconds, I was on stage playing guitar. The song finished in a jiffy and I didn’t even realize how the minutes went by on stage until I heard the loud applause from the audience. It was quite a show. Our Pestalozzi chief executive, Sue Walton and our volunteer remarked how well we did! I too enjoyed being on stage and also watching the different performances shown by other people. Quite a day to end with!
Hastings Half-Marathon Day-25th March, 2012

Before the finishing line

I remembered how I used to be a ‘loser’. I used to the best athlete among junior girls in our house, but the worst among my adversaries. My class mates would comment, ‘you are kind even on an athletic field!’  Nevertheless, I participated in a number of events with running being my weakness. And today quite astonishingly, I completed the Hastings half-marathon within two hours and few minutes. It is quite an achievement for me. There wasn't a single girl from the whole Pestalozzi to have participated in it for years. This time, there is at least one girl who wants to participate. She has been a good athlete in her school, unlike me. When I asked my senior boys about it, they all said I am mad. I got many discouraging comments from my mates, because I am short and plus I am vegetarian! Regardless all of all their comments, I took the courage with a positive attitude. I said to myself, ‘if I don’t participate, I might regret later. If I participate and succeed in completing within three hours, it’s a lifetime achievement. Even if I don’t succeed, I can say I at least tried.’ As expected, half-marathon wasn't easy, but I managed. I was able to go on running until I completed. As I reached the finishing line, I heard my name being called out loud. I proudly accepted the medal presented to me. I would never forget that moment.